Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Well I started at Good Shepherd College, hard work but well worth the effort.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thesis- The Suffering Servant

After my operation to remove my Gall Bladder I have decided on my subject for my Thesis, the Suffering Servant is one of the fundermental questions we ask God, if you love us so much why is there so much suffering in the world?
A good topic don't you think, not that I except popular approval but I find the subject interesting and not morbid, as St Paul say's the suffering in this world is nothing compared with the glory that is to be revealed in us. This principal that God not only allows suffering but sees it as a necessary method of waking us up! Quite often we go about our lives with the attitude of corperal satisfaction relates to our happiness, in affect the evangelical counsel are the paths to happiness and salvation. The key to this is faith and reason, as we grow in life we not learn important matters in our history but have to relate our own personal lives to the world and most importantly to God, the creator of heaven and earth. I come from God, I belong to God, I will return to God.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wedding Feast at Cana

The Wedding Feast at Cana.
Although many times we see Jesus preforming miracles this first one is cignificant in that Mary has the job of telling J to get on with it. Even though He rebukes her He never the less does as she says. The Jewish ritual of washing from the 30 gallon barrels is significant in that it represents the forthcoming washing away of sins by J'S blood. Maybe this is why J is hesitant about this miracle, he has human pain and feels the coming symbolic suffering.
The wine feast is of course an allegory of the Eucharist and brings the Sacrament to the fore, reminding us of the affect of this celebration. Not only a sign of Gods loving forgiveness but a efficacous grace that wins a salvation by justification for any who believe.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My yoke is easy and burden light.How true is this, when the trails of the world tire me I return to the Mass and pray with thanksgiving that our God is great indeed. Fr Ford today(Pt Chevalier) in his homily said the old yokemen used to carve away the yoke when the bulluck used to suffer from rubbing and a heavy load. A good allegory of the way God has of giving us the ease of His peace. I pray for this peace.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Well I'm Auckland and living in beautiful Point Chevalier. It's rather strange being in Auckland and living in a little beach suburb I am just getting my spiritual bearings and so far it seems as though this is God's will- as I am moving closer to Him, spiritually.
Of course this does not mean that disaster and illness will not happen so don't stop praying for me!
A couple of nights ago I had terrible stomach pains and cried out to Mary and Jesus for help, did I learn anything from this experience? Well life is short and I should not be concerned with trivial things like suffering and my eventual death but should only be thinking and praying and blessing God and His creation. This brings great joy and a higher level of consciousness which in turn brings the peace of Jesus Christ to me.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Water of life

Water, the grace of Baptism, water flowing from the right side of the Altar, meaning that God the Father is the Altar, I mention this in reference to the Trinity . The healing water of the Christ.
Jesus gives the paraplegic the healing by simply saying to him 'pick up your mat and walk,' your sins are forgiven. Again the Pharisees see an opportunity to discredit him. It is a difficult theological question to answer, does illness have anything to do with sin? In a way yes and no.

I have a little amount of time to write this blog so I will say that, really who knows! God is his wisdom has only one purpose and that is our justification and santification. He is not interested in protecting us from illness or harm if it does not bring us closer to Him, this is God's design purpose, communion with Him. If it means we suffer, what of it, Paul speaks of his suffering to the Corinthians and constanly reminds them that suffering any amount of pain is not to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us when we see God.